Mat hing Numeri Strings under Noise
Abstra t. Numeri string is a sequen e of symbols from an alphabet U, where U is some numeri al universe losed under addition and subtra tion. Given two numeri strings A = a 1 a m and B = b 1 b n and a distan e fun tion d(A;B) that gives the s ore of the best (partial) mat hing of A and B, the transposition invariant distan e is min t2U fd(A + t; B)g, where A + t = (a 1 + t)(a 2 + t) : : : (a m + t). The orresponding mat hing problem is to nd o urren es j ofA inB where d(A+t; B j 0 :::j ) is smaller than some given threshold and B j 0 :::j is a substring of B. In this paper, we give e ient algorithms for mat hing numeri strings with and without transposition invarian e under noise; we onsider distan e fun tions d(A;B) su h that symbols a 2 A and b 2 B an be mat hed if jb aj Æ, or the largest di eren es jb aj an be dis arded.
منابع مشابه
Matching Numeric Strings under Noise
Abstra t. Numeri string is a sequen e of symbols from an alphabet U, where U is some numeri al universe losed under addition and subtra tion. Given two numeri strings A = a 1 a m and B = b 1 b n and a distan e fun tion d(A;B) that gives the s ore of the best (partial) mat hing of A and B, the transposition invariant distan e is min t2U fd(A + t; B)g, where A + t = (a 1 + t)(a 2 + t) : : : (a m ...
متن کاملTransposition Invariant String Mat hing ⋆
Veli Mäkinen a,1, Gonzalo Navarro b,2, and Esko Ukkonen a,1 aDepartment of Computer S ien e, P.O Box 26 (Teollisuuskatu 23), FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland. bCenter for Web Resear h, Department of Computer S ien e, University of Chile Blan o En alada 2120, Santiago, Chile. Abstra t Given strings A = a1a2 . . . am and B = b1b2 . . . bn over an alphabet Σ ⊆ U, where U is some numeri al...
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Pattern mat hing is a well-appre iated feature of languages like ML or Haskell; it greatly simpli es the task of inspe ting values of stru tured data types and fa ilitates su in t fun tion de nitions that are easy to understand. In its basi form, pattern mat hing tries to identify a ertain stru ture of a value to be pro essed by a fun tion. This stru ture is spe i ed by a pattern, and if it an ...
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